November: Month of Commitments


November seems like the month to make quirky commitments. Enter No Shave November and National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). John has been a No Shave November enthusiast since I’ve known him, about five years. For him though, No Shave November turns into No Shave Winter or Let’s See How Long I Can Go Without Shaving Before My Wife Refuses to Kiss Me. Saturday marks the last day I will see my husband clean-shaven for at least the next month if not until Valentine’s Day. For your viewing pleasure, I’ll be posting a weekly photo update of the beard progress. It’s about to get pretty gnarly up in this blog.

For me, it’s not so much about not shaving as putting my writing skills to the ultimate test. Can I write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days? Last year was my first attempt at the only way to celebrate NaNoWriMo, and I failed miserably. I want to give this another go and continue to do so until I finish a 50,000 word novel. This year, I like my idea (working title: Conversations Between Bob and Maggie), but with grad school responsibilities on top of the daily task of keeping a nervous breakdown at bay, I’m not sure I can carve out time to make it happen. Maybe I can make this my let-of-steam project, or maybe after I turn in a stressful paper on November 6, I can get this puppy done. I dare to dream.You can follow my progress at the NaNoWriMo website and be my buddy by befriending mae.lewis.

Do you dare to dream with me and John? Can you grow some gnarly beardage or leg hair? Think you can get 50,000 words down within 30 days? Or is there another quirky November commitment you would like to make.

11 Responses to “November: Month of Commitments”

  1. 1 mountainsofbooks

    I’m in there with you….NaNoWriMo. A little nervous, but ready to start writing again…its been awhile.

  2. 2 leaf

    i signed up for NaNoWriMo too… but as the month gets closer i may chicken out 😡
    i can’t figure out how to add or even search for you, so you can add me if you want leafitz 🙂
    now for the beard…. if i didn’t de-hair myself, i could probably beat john in 2 weeks. but i won’t try- that’ll make him feel like less of a man. ah the joys of being ethnic!

    • Ha! That’s funny about John’s beard. I won’t tell him. He does take a lot of pride in his facial hair capabilities.

  3. 4 luciana

    idk why my previous comment is not with my name… but yea…

  4. See, it was always the Manly Month of March until I got to college and people started pulling this “No Shave November” nonsense. Oh well.

    I’ll be posting my NaNoWriMo novel here for subscribers who login. I won last year and plan on doing it again — but I’m just that kind of person. And I love new writing buddies. The competition spurs me on.

  5. Yay for all the NaNoWriMo participants! I won’t be attempting it, but wish ALL of you guys the best of luck…

  6. 9 Kendra

    I want to read what you write!!!

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